2021 International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2021)


Capital University of Economics and Business


No. 121, Zhangjia Road, Huaxiang, Fengtai District, Beijing 


Contant: +86-18000548977 (Ruona Wu)

Key Academic Programs and Achievements 

The Department of Labor Economics at CUEB is accredited as a key national academic program, and is a member of the Exceptional Key Disciplines Project administered by the Ministry of Education. The Departments of Applied Economics and Statistics are both key first-class disciplines in Beijing, having been ranked 12th and 15th respectively among 88 universities, and 5th among finance and economics universities in the Ministry of Education’s 3rd round of appraisals. The business management and accounting programs have been certified as key second-class programs in Beijing; management science & engineering are key first-class development programs in Beijing, 7 programs including the political economy department were certified as key second-class development disciplines in Beijing. CUEB’s programs in economics, labor and social security, statistics and human resources management have been distinguished as “unique majors” at the national level. Of these, economics, statistics and labor and social security are designated as pilot programs for national comprehensive program reform. Programs for political economy, labor economics and social security are recognized as excellent national curricula, with political economy and social security classified as excellent national open courses, financial accounting, international economics and international business as national model bilingual courses. Teachers of human resources management and economics core courses are acknowledged as quality national teaching teams. CUEB also has strong facilities resources. Its Economics & Management Experimental Teaching Center is rated a national university experimental teaching center; the International Economics Professionals Education Experiment Zone is ranked as a national model innovation experiment zone for professional education. Deloitte Huayong, which has strong cooperative ties with the School of Accounting, is approved as a national field project base for university students. Into the World of Management is recognized as a national excellent video open course. In 2013, CUEB was distinguished as a National Education Base for Ecological Civilization. 

University Motto and Mission 

The university is inspired by its motto “Advocate morality, value competence, strategize national development, and serve the people”, and follows the strategy of “Based in Beijing, serving the capital, supporting the nation, and looking to the world”. CUEB is committed to graduating students that are well-rounded, suited to the contemporary needs of modern social development, innovative, effective with a wide breadth of knowledge, and have a mastery over both the theoretical and the practical sides of what they choose to study. CUEB is making great strides towards realizing its vision of building a modern, international, multidisciplinary and unique university that is first in its class China, and respected all over the world.